In aceasta luna am primit cateva ganduri de la Eva Hambach, cu care, dupa cum puteti vedea, avem o frumoasa relatie de colaborare de 15 ani.
La multi ani, Pro Vobis!
Imi amintesc prima mea intalnire cu reteaua CEV (Centrul European de Voluntariat) la Londra, in anul 2003. M-am alaturat fostului trezorier al CEV Raf De Zutter pentru a participa la prima mea adunare generala. Intr-o sala de sedinte cu vedere spre Tamisa am intalnit mai multe persoane printre care o tanara (al carei nume l-am si uitat, scuze!) care conducea atunci Pro Vobis, Centrul National de Voluntariat, cu biroul in Cluj-Napoca. Vorbea foarte repede, dar parea ca stie exact despre ce vorbeste si am realizat atunci ca tinerii din Romania apreciaza mult activitatile de voluntariat.
Mai tarziu am cunoscut-o pe Cristina Rigman, noul director Pro Vobis. Inteligenta, dedicata si foarte decisa sa duca voluntariatul din Romania la un nivel mai inalt. Am vazut prin activitatile Pro Vobis vointa tinerilor romani de a deveni voluntari. Din perspectiva mea belgiana, aceasta vointa si dedicarea de a construi o noua societate romaneasca dupa decenii petrecute sub o conducere comunista si stricta, a fost uimitoare. Implicarea echipei Pro Vobis a fost coplesitoare; initiative, campanii de promovare in lungul si-n latul tarii si dorinta constanta de a contribui la conferintele CEV, impartasing bune practici si experiente.
Am devenit membru al Consiliului Director al CEV la adunarea generala din 2005, de la Cluj-Napoca, gazduita de Pro Vobis. Am intrat in biroul confortabil si nu foarte ordonat (cum este si biroul meu) pentru ca echipa se pregatea de o campanie nationala de promovare a voluntariatului.
Am realizat in timp ca orice contributie Pro Vobis – fie ea teoretica sau printr-un atelier practic la conferintele CEV – are acelasi nivel de calitate, satisface participantii si ofera noi idei sau perspective aplicabile in practica. Imi amintesc de contributia Cristinei in cadrul intalnirii consiliului director din Bruxelles. Perspectiva, ideile si cunostintele Crisitinei ne-au ajutat adesea sa luam decizii intelepte si bine cantarite. La intalnirile CEV cu un delegat in consiliu, Pro Vobis ridica intrebari, deschidea discutii sau facea comentarii nu de dragul de a se facea vizibil si pentru a stimula dezbateri, adanci subiectele in discutie si pentru a declansa noi sugestii sau idei.
Pro Vobis a fost intotdeauna un partener de incredere pentru mine. Am vazut cum lucreaza la nivel european, dar am avut si sansa de a vedea schimbarea din Romania. Pro Vobis a contribuit la succesul Anului European a Voluntariatului 2011, muncind cu dedicare pentru a asigura rezultate sustenabile.
Faptul ca Pro vobis a fost membru fondator al Federatiei VOLUM, impactul pe care l-au avut asupra elaborarii Legii voluntariatului in Romania si multe altele sunt realizari impresionante si arata dorinta coordonatorilor si echipei Pro Vobis de a creste si de a reusi.
As dori sa-i multumesc Cristinei in special pentru ca a fost forta activa in realizarea publicatiei „Volunteering Infrastructure in Europe” care ofera informatii despre organizarea voluntariatului in fiecare stat UE. Este o publicatie importanta care serveste in continuare ca o referinta de incredere.
Pro Vobis este foarte necesar pentru societatea romaneasca Dupa 25 de ani de munca, de experienta castigata, de acumulare de cunostinte, bune practici in voluntariat, imi doresc ca Pro Vobis sa-si poata asigura resurse financiare suficiente pentru a-si continua activitatea, cu o echipa dedicata. Toti membri Pro Vobis pe care i-am intalnit sunt harnici, lucreaza cu dragoste si pasiune pentru voluntariat, sunt dinamici si vibranti.
In cele din urma, sunt foarte fericita sa o vad pe Cristina Rigman actual presedinte CEV, pentru ca stiu ca are capacitatea si vointa de a duce reteaua inainte. Pentru mine este un gand foarte linistitor.
Doresc echipei Pro Vobis, de ieri, azi si de maine, toate cele bune pentru acest an de sarbatoare. Bucurati-va, distrati-va, uitati-va in urma cu mandrie. Dupa petrecere, treziti-va si continuati cu aceeasi dedicare de pana acum.
Eva Hambach
Presedinte CEV – 2009-2015
Happy Birthday, Pro Vobis!
I remember London 2003 since it was my first experience with the CEV Network. I joined the former CEV treasurer Raf De Zutter to attend my first GA. In a meeting room, with view on the Thames, I met several people, amongst them a young woman (I really forgot her name, forgive me) leading Pro Vobis at that time, the Romanian Volunteer Centre with office in Cluj Napoca. She used to talk very fast but apparently she knew what she was talking about and I found out that young people in Romania do cherish volunteering.
After a while I met Cristina Rigman, the new director of Pro Vobis. Smart, dedicated and very decided to move the volunteering sector in Romania to a higher stage. I saw and experienced the activities of Pro Vobis, the will of so many Romanian youngsters to engage in volunteering. From my Belgian perspective I was really amazed about the will and the dedication to built up a new Romanian society, after difficult decades under a communist, harsh leadership. The engagement of the Pro Vobis team was stunning, initiatives, promotion campaigns through the country and always that will to contribute to CEV conferences, sharing good practices and experiences.
I entered the BoD of CEV at the GA held in Cluj Napoca in 2005, hosted by Pro Vobis. I entered the Pro Vobis office, cosy and no too tightened (my office neither…) , as the team was preparing a nation wide campaign to promote volunteering.
I have learned and witnessed that a contribution of Pro Vobis, a theoretical input or a more practical oriented workshop at a CEV conference equaled in quality, satisfied participants and brought new insights usable in our own practice. I remember the contributions of Cristina during our BoD meetings in Brussels. Cristina would bring in her point of view, ideas and knowledge to help the BoD in making wise and well thought decisions. At CEV meetings, with a delegate of Pro Vobis in the Board, of due to circumstances for a while just attending the GA’s and conferences, Pro Vobis would open discussions, raise questions or make comments, not just to make themselves appear, but to stimulate debate, deepening the subject and to trigger new suggestions and ideas.
For me Pro Vobis always was a trustful partner. I have seen how Pro Vobis worked at the European level, but also had the chance to see changes in Romania itself. Pro Vobis helped to make the EYV2011 a success and worked hard to ensure that it would lead to sustainable results.
The fact that Pro Vobis had a role in the founding of VOLUM, the impact they had in the designing of a Volunteer Law in Romania, and so on, is really impressing and shows the willingness of the leaders as well as of the staff of Pro Vobis to move forward and to succeed.
I would like to thank Cristina especially as she was the active force to establish the VI publication that gives insights in how volunteering is organised within the different EU-countries. It is an important publication that serves as a reliable reference.
Pro Vobis is needed for Romanian society. After 25 years of hard work, gaining experience, knowledge and good practice on volunteering in Romania, I wish that the organisation will be able to ensure enough financial resources to continue the work, with a dedicated staff. All Pro Vobis people which I have met, were working hard, with love and passion towards volunteering, dynamic and vibrant.
Last but not least, I am very happy to see that Cristina Rigman is the actual CEV President, as she has the capacity and the will to push CEV forward during her Presidency. It feels very comfortable to me, indeed.
I really wish the Pro Vobis team of yesterday, today and tomorrow all the best wisher for this year of Celebration. Make fun, enjoy, look back and be proud of what you have reached. After the party, wake up and just continue the good work with the same dedication. Congratulations!
Eva Hambach
CEV President – 2009-2015