5 noiembrie e Ziua Internațională a Coordonatorilor de Voluntari!

‎Le uram multa forta de munca, entuziasm, intelegere, creativitate si dorinta de a lucra profesionist in ceea ce fac tuturor celor care coordoneaza voluntari si programe de voluntariat, in special in anul care vine – Anul European al Voluntariatului 2011! „Contrary to popular belief, volunteers are not some sort of homogenously compliant group who blindly put their hands up to do whatever they are told. Rather, they are independently minded community members who, when led effectively, will astound any program with the outcomes they will produce. These results don’t happen by accident, and IVMDay is a terrific opportunity to showcase the difference that good volunteer management makes in any voluntary agency” (Andy Fryar, Chairperson, IVMDay Global Committee).

Pro Vobis

Misiunea PRO VOBIS este de a dezvolta voluntariatul prin activitati de instruire, consultanta, cercetare si facilitarea colaborarii tuturor factorilor interesati si de a promova voluntariatul in Romania ca resursa viabila si de neinlocuit in solutionarea problemelor cu care se confrunta societatea.