[column size=”1-2″ last=”0″ style=”0″]Salut, ma numesc Andrei Abrudan si sunt chirurg intern. Imi folosesc cunostintele si pregatirea medicala pentru a voluntaria in diverse colturi ale lumii. Cred ca medicii pot face si mai mult bine atunci cand nu se rezuma doar la a lucra intr-un spital si la a face „multi” bani. Voluntariatul international mie mi-a oferit mai mult decat mi-am putut imagina – mi-a dat ocazia sa profesez si sa calatoresc in acelasi timp.[/column]
[column size=”1-2″ last=”1″ style=”0″]Hello, my name is Andrei Abrudan and I’m an intern surgeon. I use my medical training and knowledge in different corners of the world as an international volunteer. As doctors we can do more than just work in a hospital and make “a lot” of money; for me this job gave me more than I can imagine. I can do what I like and travel in the same time.[/column]
[column size=”1-2″ last=”0″ style=”0″]Solidaritatea este atat de importanta, incat ar trebui sa fie un element vital in viata noastra, a tuturora! Consider ca pana la aceasta varsta mi-am trait viata la limita, aproape alergand spre pericol, doar ca sa pot ajuta si sa fiu acolo pentru altii. Sper ca povestea mea sa va incurajeze sa faceti mai multe lucruri cu adevarat importante in viata![/column]
[column size=”1-2″ last=”1″ style=”0″]Solidarity is very important and should be a vital part in our lives! At this age I lived my life on the edge, almost like, running towards the danger when everyone else was running away, just so I could help and be there for others. I hope my story encourages you to do more important things in life! I hope my story will encourage you to do more, and more of what is really important in this life![/column]
[column size=”1-2″ last=”0″ style=”0″]Am facut voluntariat de mic, din timpul liceului, cand participam in proiecte de donare de animale, alaturi de tatal meu. Dupa terminarea studiilor, prima expeditie de voluntariat de unul singur a fost in Irak in 2017, la varsta de 26 ani.
[column size=”1-2″ last=”1″ style=”0″]I started volunteering in high school, when alongside my father I took part in a few
projects that involved donations of farm animals. After graduating medical school, I had my first volunteer experience by myself in Iraq, in 2017, at the age of 26.
[column size=”1-2″ last=”0″ style=”0″]Am petrecut 4 saptamani in Iraq unde am ajutat ca medic refugiatii din Mosulul de Vest alaturi de organizatia ADRA Kurdistan si Adventist Help. Acolo am inteles mai bine ce inseamna viata si care sunt prioritatile acesteia. Tratand pacienti civili si chiar pe unii militari irakieni, am vazut cata suferinta este in lumea aceasta. Personal, experienta m-a facut sa ma gandesc si la alte aspecte ale vietii, nu numai din punctul meu de vedere.[/column]
[column size=”1-2″ last=”1″ style=”0″]I spent 4 weeks in Iraq as a doctor where I helped refugees from Western Mosul and worked with ADRA Kurdistan and Adventist Help. I better understood what life really means and what are its priorities. By treating civilian patients and even some Iraqi soldiers, I have seen how much suffering is in this world. The experience made me think about other aspects of life, not just from my point of view.[/column]
[column size=”1-2″ last=”0″ style=”0″]Ajutandu-i pe ceilalti te ajuti pe tine! [/column]
[column size=”1-2″ last=”1″ style=”0″]By helping others you are helping yourself![/column]
[column size=”1-2″ last=”0″ style=”0″]Facand voluntariat, mi-am dezvoltat multe abilitati pe care, desi le aveam sau le-am descoperit pe parcurs, nu le pusesem inca in practica. Inveti sa dezvolti comunicarea, sa relationezi cu diferite culturi, sa intelegi aspecte ale vietii, sa te bucuri de lucruri marunte, sa apreciezi ceea ce ai, sa dezvolti ceea ce Dumnezeu ti-a daruit, sa nu te dai batut, sa lupti pentru crezul tau. Intorcandu-te la viata personala si la mediul tau, observi dintr-o data cat de aplicabile sunt toate acestea.[/column]
[column size=”1-2″ last=”1″ style=”0″]I have developed many abilities through volunteering, some of which I have gained along the way and some I already had, but were not put into practice. After such an experience, you improve your communication skills, know how to relate to different cultures, you understand different aspects of life, enjoy the small things in life, you appreciate what you have, you want to make the best of what God has given you, you learn to be resilient, and to fight for what you believe. Then you suddenly realize how applicable these skills are also in your personal life.[/column]
[column size=”1-2″ last=”0″ style=”0″]O mica istorisire a unui caz care imi va ramane pentru totdeauna in inima mea, a fost cand un baiat irakian de 18 ani, cu o parte din familie in ISIS, s-a prezentat cu o fractura multipla la nivelul gambei si cu o infectie locala; toata lumea a renuntat la el si vroiau sa ii amputeze piciorul. Eu am fost singurul care s-a opus si i-am daruit o sansa, iar la momentul actual, el umbla sanatos.[/column]
[column size=”1-2″ last=”1″ style=”0″] I have a story of a 18-year-old Iraqi patient that will forever stay in my heart. He presented himself to the hospital with multiple fracture in the calf and a local infection due to the untreated wound. Everyone gave up on him and he was really close to lose this leg thought amputation. I was the only one who opposed and gave him another chance with surgery and recovery. Now, he is healthy and has both his legs.[/column]
[column size=”1-2″ last=”0″ style=”0″]Ceea ce vreau sa spun este ca in viata intampinam valuri mari si valuri mici, dar cu credinta si speranta, le putem trece cu bine pe toate, doar sa nu renuntam la ceea ce Dumnezeu ne-a dat.
[column size=”1-2″ last=”1″ style=”0″]In life we experience big storms or small winds, but with faith and hope, we can pass them all well, just not give up what God has given us.[/column]
[column size=”1-2″ last=”0″ style=”0″]Tocmai m-am intors din ultima expeditie de voluntariat, care a avut loc in Nepal cu o echipa medicala si educationala – Volunteers For Life. Am reusit sa aducem fericirea pe fetele unor copii nepalezi din mediul rural si urban.
[column size=”1-2″ last=”1″ style=”0″]I just came back from the last volunteer expedition that took place in Nepal with a medical and educational team – Volunteers For Life. We have succeeded in bringing happiness to the faces of Nepalese children from rural and urban areas.[/column]
[column size=”1-2″ last=”0″ style=”0″]Vreau sa fiu un motiv de incurajare pentru aceia care doresc sa faca voluntariat, indiferent de domeniu. Daruieste din ceea ce ai primit![/column]
[column size=”1-2″ last=”1″ style=”0″]I want to be a motivation for those who want to volunteer, regardless of the field. Give to others from what you have recieved![/column]
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Alin Andrei Abrudan, 27 de ani
Medic Rezident Chirurgie Generala
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Alin Andrei Abrudan, 27 years old
General Surgery Resident