You are currently viewing Căutăm urgent 1 voluntar pentru un stagiu EVS în Spania

Căutăm urgent 1 voluntar pentru un stagiu EVS în Spania

Spania, localitatea Plasencia

Perioada stagiului: Martie – Octombrie 2016 (8 luni)

Titlul proiectului: Extremadura voluntary service

In cadrul Centrului SocioSanitario, unde va lucra cu persoane cu dizabilitati mentale. 

Principalele activitati In care se va implica voluntarul selectat sunt: sport, jocuri de societate, realizarea de plimbari, dansuri si orice alte activitati de petrecere a timpului liber, oferite pacientilor din centru, pentru a-i motiva si pentru a creste calitatea vietii lor.

Profilul voluntarului cautat: puternic motivat, cu energie pozitiva, dispus sa Ii ajute pe altii. Sunt apreciate competentele sportive si un nivel de baza de limba spaniola.

Toti cei interesati sunt invitati sa trimita un CV In format Europass In limba engleza si o scrisoare de motivatie In limba engleza, aplicata pe proiect, la adresa, cat mai repede cu putinta, dar nu mai tarziu de 4 martie 2016. La aceeasi adresa pot fi solicitate informatii suplimentare despre proiect si modul de functionare al unui stagiu EVS.

Proiectul este finantat de Comisia Europeana prin programul educational Erasmus+.

Organizatia gazda din Spania, Impreuna cu organizatia de trimitere, Pro Vobis, vor selecta vountarul pe baza profilului anuntat si al motivatiei de implicare In proiect, In cadrul unui interviu Skype.

Mai jos gasiti detalii despre proiect, oportunitatile de Invatare In cadrul acestuia, precum si locatia In care se desfasoara.

Daca erati In cautarea unei oportunitati de dezvoltare personala si profesionala intensa, aceta poate fi sansa voastra! Serviciul European de Voluntariat este un stagiu de Invatare cu multiple valente, o experienta pe care ar trebui sa o aiba orice tanar european!

Asteptam Inscrierile voastre!


EVS Plasencia


The EVS in the Centro SocioSanitario of Plasencia is a social project: we would like the volunteer to feel part of our team of workers from the beginning, by supporting the daily work realized in the hospital and by creating an intercultural atmosphere that will enrich both our professional team and our users, improving the quality of their life.

We are open to any suggestions coming from the new volunteers. We would like to build a space of exchange of ideas and ways of doing the activities, rich in experiences and where everyone can give and receive. Therefore, the volunteer will be determinant at the moment of deciding the activities that he/she wants to perform according with his/her interests. We expect the volunteer to develop his/her own creativity and ways of acting, that’s why he/she will be encouraged to start his/her own projects and activities inside the Center, like for example board games, garden games, basic motor activities, music, cinema, dance, activities in outdoor courts and other such initiatives.

The volunteer’s job will be always to support the workers’ team and will not replace a remunerated worker.

The volunteers will work a maximum of 30-35 hours per week, with 2 consecutive days of rest and 2,5 additional days of vacation per month.

Sometimes, in order to respond to some activities’ needs, an additional help could be required out of this time schedule, as an exceptional engagement and giving afterwards the corresponding free time.


In terms of learning opportunities, generally the competences that the volunteers can acquire during the EVS’ project in the Centro SocioSanitario are the following:

– Knowledge of the Spanish language (thanks to an online Spanish course and to the direct contact with the users, workers and the local community)

– Teamwork

– Knowledge and skills for the work with persons with mental illnesses

– Knowledge of the functioning of this type of entities and their different services at the regional and national level

– Knowledge of the different activities that are realized in the Center

– Knowledge of the Spanish culture, as well as the Extremadura and Plasencia’s culture

– Development of patience

– Development of non-verbal language and commnication

– Knowledge of the functioning of the leisure service and the importance that leisure and free time have in the development of the personal skills and the existential enrichment

– Development of organizational capacity

– Development of the capacity of comprehension and empathy

– Expansion of social values



– Youth between 18 and 30 years old from Romania

– Motivation and interest for the organization and its mission

– Young people with some maturity and sense of responsibility and compromise, wanting to work in a team

– The volunteer has to be a person with capacity to exercise active listening and empathy

– Young people, patient and highly motivated

– At least basic knowledge of Spanish is highly recommended for the profile of our patients and would greatly facilitate the integration of volunteers, although it will not be an exclusive factor at the moment of performing the selection

–  Vocation for working with persons having mental illness

– Volunteer should be able to transmit positive energy, positive attitude, we would like an entusiasthic person spreading joy and smiling

– Sport competences

– Competences and/or attitude for leisure time activities to propose and be organized with the patients



The volunteer will have a reference person inside the center and two tutors out of the project (from the Coordinating Organization “A.M. Euexia”) who will support his/her  integration into the local community. A periodic tutorship will be realized, so as to constantly support, encourage and assist the volunteer in the adaptation and learning process.

The attendance at training courses before departure, at the arrival and intermediate evaluation – which are included in the EVS training cycle – will be guaranteed. During these training coursesm the volunteer will acquire the basic knowledge about culture, conflict resolution and use of the medical insurance as well as other skills needed to perform during the EVS project.

ACCOMODATION: The accomodation will be in a flat with 3 rooms, 1 bathroom, kitchen and living room, located in the center of the city of Plasencia. The volunteer will share the flat with another volunteer.

Money will be provided to the volunteer for meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner), as well as a monthly allowance of 105 euro. In addition, the volunteer will have the bus tickets for the local transport to join the center every day.

More information about the Centro SocioSanitario can be found on the webpage:


Plasencia is a city of the province of Cáceres, located in the northern region of Extremadura. It is located among the regions of  la Vera, Jerte Valley, Land of Granadilla and Alagón Valley. Plasencia is located 83.4 km north of Cáceres, 150 km north of Merida, and about 70 km from the border with Portugal.

Known as the Pearl Valley, Plasencia has a population of 41,447 inhabitants according to the INE, 2010, it’s the second town of the province and the fourth in the region. It is the capital of the north of Extremadura, hosting services of the State and of the regional government both for the population of the city and the northern part of the region.

Plasencia is a top tourist destination within the autonomous region, being a monumental and historic city and also because of its proximity to the tourist resources of the nearby regions. The city name comes from the motto given by its founder King Alfonso VIII de Castilla in the shield granted to the city, that is: „Deo et hominibus Placeat Ut”,  that means: To please God and men. Plasencia means, therefore, City of delight or pleasure.

Since Plasencia is the capital of the northern region, the city’s economy is based mainly on trade and services sector, representing 63% of the economic activity. Also the construction and the industry’s sectors are noteworthy, since the town has three industrial estates and one more in project.

Pro Vobis

Misiunea PRO VOBIS este de a dezvolta voluntariatul prin activitati de instruire, consultanta, cercetare si facilitarea colaborarii tuturor factorilor interesati si de a promova voluntariatul in Romania ca resursa viabila si de neinlocuit in solutionarea problemelor cu care se confrunta societatea.

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