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Daniela Temelie

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Dana has joined the Pro Vobis team in April 2013 as a Programs Coordinator. She has graduated Law School in Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, and a Master in Children’s Rights at the Social Welfare Faculty of Babes-Bolyay University of Cluj Napoca. Her passion for volunteering started in her first university year, when she worked as a volunteer in a children’s day center, and from there on she never stopped volunteering in different organizations or activities, such as: working with disadvantaged children, with children with disabilities, in the non-formal education field, getting involved in organizing social and cultural activities/events  or participating in environmental campaigns. She is certified as a Trainer (Trainer of Trainers course) and Project Manager, has followed courses as “Management of Volunteers” and “Methods of Non-Formal Education”, and her professional development continues together with  the Pro Vobis team.

E-mail: programe [at]

Pro Vobis

Misiunea PRO VOBIS este de a dezvolta voluntariatul prin activitati de instruire, consultanta, cercetare si facilitarea colaborarii tuturor factorilor interesati si de a promova voluntariatul in Romania ca resursa viabila si de neinlocuit in solutionarea problemelor cu care se confrunta societatea.