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SEV – o experiență pentru o viață întreagă

[column size=”1-2″ last=”0″ style=”0″]Nu vom putea masura niciodata impactul pe care il au ceilalti oameni asupra noastra, insa vom descoperi dovezi ca acesta exista. In experienta SEV, voluntarii, care mi-au devenit o familie de prieteni, m-au ajutat sa regasesc puterea interioara pe care o cautam in mine. De asemenea, m-au inspirat cu povestile lor de viata, cu experientele neasteptate pe care le-au trait si cu abilitatile pe care le au. [/column]

[column size=”1-2″ last=”1″ style=”0″]We will never be able to measure the impact that other people have on us, but we will find evidence that it exists. In my EVS experience, volunteers, who have become my family of friends, have helped me find the inner strength I was looking for. They also inspired me with their life stories, the unexpected experiences they have experienced and the abilities they have.[/column]

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[column size=”1-2″ last=”0″ style=”0″]Una dintre coordonatoarele SEV ne-a spus ca oamenii care ne inconjoara ne vor reprezenta peste 5 ani. Atunci cand ma gandesc la mine, in urma cu 5 ani, nu imi vine sa cred cat de mult am crescut si exact in directia in care am investit. In timpul liceului, ma implicam in activitati in cadrul Geoparcului Dinozaurilor Tara Hategului si am intalnit primii voluntari SEV in 2014. Pe atunci, nici nu visam ca as putea sa particip intr-un program de voluntariat international si ca astazi o sa povestesc despre aceasta experienta.[/column]

[column size=”1-2″ last=”1″ style=”0″]One of the EVS coordinators told us that the people around us would represent us in five years. When I think about myself, five years ago, I can not believe how much I grew up and exactly in the direction we invested. During the high school, I was involved in activities in the Geopar of Dinosaurs Country of Hateg and I met the first EVS volunteers in 2014. At that time, I did not dream that I could participate in an international volunteer program and that today I will tell about this experience.[/column]

[column size=”1-2″ last=”0″ style=”0″]Am petrecut 5 saptamani in Polonia, participand la proiectul ”Volunteering for healthy lifestyle”, desfasurat de Fundatia CampoSfera. In acest timp, am locuit intr-o fosta scoala renovata, in satul Klimontów, impreuna cu 10 voluntari aflati pe termen scurt, asemeni mie, si 8 voluntari pe termen lung.[/column]

[column size=”1-2″ last=”1″ style=”0″]I spent 5 weeks in Poland, participating in the „Volunteering for healthy lifestyle” project, developed by the CampoSfera Foundation. During this time, I lived in a former renovated school in the village of Klimontów, along with 10 short-term volunteers, as well as 8 volunteers in the long run.[/column]


[column size=”1-2″ last=”0″ style=”0″]Sunt increzatoare ca peste 5 ani, acesti oameni minunati ma vor influenta in continuare. Ei au contribuit la procesul de invatare, prin care am descoperit ce inseamna cu adevarat sa am un spirit tanar, dornic de distractie, cum sa ma detasez de ceea ce nu ma serveste si cum sa gasesc fericirea in zilele obisnuite. Voluntarii m-au incurajat sa ma pun pe primul loc in orice decizie, sa traiesc in prezent si sa vad in mine calitati pe care le uitasem.[/column]

[column size=”1-2″ last=”1″ style=”0″]I’m confident that five years from now, these wonderful people will still influence me. They have contributed to the learning process by discovering what it really means to have a young spirit, eager to have fun, to detach myself from what does not serve me, and how to find happiness in the ordinary days. Volunteers have encouraged me to put myself first in any decision, to live today and to see qualities I have forgotten.[/column]


[column size=”1-2″ last=”0″ style=”0″]De asemenea, atat pentru mine, cat si pentru cativa dintre prietenii voluntari, a fost o noutate sa privim stelele cazatoare. Am realizat cum prea mult timp am lucrat neincetat, incercand sa umplem goluri neintelese, si cum, intinsi pe o banca de lemn, acoperiti cu paturi, am trait clipe de infinit. Cu capul ridicat spre cer, nemaivazand nimic altceva, am uitat de singuratate, pentru ca ne-am regasit pe noi insine.[/column]

[column size=”1-2″ last=”1″ style=”0″]Also for me, as well as for some of the volunteer friends, it was a novelty to look at the falling stars. I realized how much time I worked uninterrupted, trying to fill in inaccurate goals, and how, lying on a wooden bench, covered with beds, I lived infinite moments. With my head up to heaven, not seeing anything else, I forgot about loneliness, because we found ourselves.[/column]

[column size=”1-2″ last=”0″ style=”0″]Serviciul European de Voluntariat creeaza contextul de a descoperi oamenii prin interiorul lor, dincolo de nationalitate, religie ori alte aspecte care credem, prin prisma unor stereotipuri, ca ne despart. In CampoSfera am renuntat la confort si l-am inlocuit cu o continua aventura. Acolo am vazut cum o casa plina de oameni e mai vie si imbucuratoare decat o casa plina de lucruri, cum o masa luata alaturi de prieteni si asteptata dupa munca te satisface mai mult decat una in restaurant. Mi s-a reconfirmat ca experientele ne imbogatesc, iar bunurile care nu sunt esentiale ne arata cat de multa nevoie avem de conexiuni cu ceilalti si cu noi insine, cum tanjim sa traim din nou, cu adevarat. [/column]

[column size=”1-2″ last=”1″ style=”0″]The European Voluntary Service creates the context of discovering people within them, beyond nationality, religion or other aspects that we believe, through stereotypes, to separate us. In CampoSfera I gave up comfort and I replaced it with a continuous adventure. There I saw how a house full of people is more vivid and gracious than a house full of things, as a meal taken with friends and waiting for work satisfies you more than one in the restaurant. It has been reconsidered that experiences enrich us, and goods that are not essential show us how much we need to connect with others and ourselves, as we long to live again truly..[/column]


[column size=”1-2″ last=”0″ style=”0″]Datorita proiectului din CampoSfera traiesc acum mult mai constienta de alegerile mele. In Polonia, am urmat o filosofie zero waste, pe care o voi aplica treptat acasa. Vreau sa traiesc in armonie cu natura, respectand resursele de care dispun si sa imi folosesc energia pentru activitati placute. Am fost capabila sa imi exprim interesele si nevoile in limba engleza, sa experimentez diferite aspecte culturale in comunicarea cu echipa, sa imi pun in practica propriile idei, sa planific si sa desfasor activitati cu copii si sa ma adaptez.

[column size=”1-2″ last=”1″ style=”0″]Thanks to the CampoSfera project, I am now much more aware of my choices. In Poland, I followed a zero waste philosophy, which I will gradually apply at home. I want to live in harmony with nature, respecting the resources that I have and using my energy for pleasant activities. I was able to express my interests and needs in English, to experience different cultural aspects in communicating with the team, to implement my own ideas, to plan and to develop activities with children and to adapt myself.[/column]

[column size=”1-2″ last=”0″ style=”0″]De asemenea, afirm cu seninatate ca fericirea nu este un lux, ci o necesitate. Asemeni hranei, consumata zilnic, bucuria e indispensabila in cotidian, pentru a trai. Nu e usor sa te intorci acasa dupa o experienta SEV, insa poti sa iti oferi libertatea de a fi un om diferit, sa intuiesti noi bucurii si sa accepti schimbarea ca o constanta, ca o oportunitate continua de a te dezvolta si de a te simti viu prin diferite experiente.

Larisa-Claudia Duta
21 de ani

[column size=”1-2″ last=”1″ style=”0″]I also say with serenity that happiness is not a luxury but a necessity. Like food, consumed daily, joy is indispensable in daily life, to live. It’s not easy to go home after an EVS experience, but you can give yourself the freedom to be a different person, to experience new joys and to accept change as a constant, as a continuous opportunity to develop and feel alive through different experiences.

Larisa-Claudia Duta
21 years old


Pro Vobis

Misiunea PRO VOBIS este de a dezvolta voluntariatul prin activitati de instruire, consultanta, cercetare si facilitarea colaborarii tuturor factorilor interesati si de a promova voluntariatul in Romania ca resursa viabila si de neinlocuit in solutionarea problemelor cu care se confrunta societatea.

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