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“The Initiative Shelf – Developing Volunteering Programs in Libraries”

Pro Vobis – The National Resource Centre for Volunteerism together with the National Association of the Librarians and Public Libraries of Romania (ANBPR), are implementing in the period of May 2014-June 2015 the project called “The Initiative Shelf – Developing Volunteering Programs in Libraries”, financed by the SEE Grants 2009-2014 included in the ONG Fond in Romania.

The project has the objective to diversify the opportunities of involvement through volunteering in the public libraries from Romania, who would offer qualitative opportunities to involve the citizens of any ages in the benefit of the communities they serve.

Expected results:

-15 public libraries as direct beneficiaries of the project;

-30 public librarians to be trained in Management of Volunteering Programs and Volunteer Management

-organizing 2 extra training sessions, on subjects based on the identified needs of the 30 participant librarians, to capacitate them to implement sustainable volunteering programs;

-15 public events called “Initiative Shelf”, to promote the results of the pilot programs, organized during the National Volunteering Week 2015 (11-17 May 2015);

-creating 15 Information Points regarding volunteering opportunities inside the selected libraries;

-implementing 15 pilot volunteering programs to take place in libraries in a minimum 6 months period;

-offering personalized consultancy to libraries in the processes of selecting and implementing of pilot volunteering programs;

-diversification of volunteering opportunities offered by libraries, accentuating on the no-hate speech activities;

-diversification of the categories of people involved in the volunteering programs promoted by libraries;

-creating and promoting the concept of “V Library” – a dynamic library, open to all ages and social groups, that keeps up with the needs of the community and with the modern methodologies of involving the citizens;

-evaluation of the libraries that participated in the project with a system of badges, given accordingly to the efficiency of the volunteering programs implemented and of the professionalism of volunteers management.

For further information please access (in Romanian only) or contact us at: 0264 412897/ 0755045100, email:, contact person: Corina Pintea, project coordinator.


Pro Vobis

Misiunea PRO VOBIS este de a dezvolta voluntariatul prin activitati de instruire, consultanta, cercetare si facilitarea colaborarii tuturor factorilor interesati si de a promova voluntariatul in Romania ca resursa viabila si de neinlocuit in solutionarea problemelor cu care se confrunta societatea.

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